30 Paintings in 30 Days! Are you ready?
I've been contemplating another painting project the whole past year - something along the lines of a painting a day/week, a month of landscapes, or 25 abstracts. My main stumbling stone is the tragic unreliability of daily painting time. My kids seem to be in some kind of arrangement, where one of them can only nap while the other one is awake. And painting with kids around...well, let's just say I've tried it and it doesn't work for me. Still, when I found out about Leslie Saeta's upcoming "30 Paintings in 30 Days" challenge, I decided that it's a perfect opportunity for me to give daily painting another try. I don't know if it's going to work but I'm excited to get started! Official kick-off is January 2. I am looking for a theme or two to work on, and I might switch media (probably acrylics), at least for some of the paintings. If you have an awesome idea for a theme, please voice it in the comments! And all are invited, so please consider joining the challenge yourself!