Watercolor Classes in Silver Lakes

Learn Watercolor Flyer

Do you like learning new things in a warm and friendly atmosphere? Have you always wanted to try watercolor painting but heard that watercolor is hard? Come and have fun! My classes are for beginner to intermediate painters and include step-by-step introduction to painting with watercolor. You will learn all about the tools and materials for watercolor painting, different ways to apply paint, and will make a few paintings of your own! Bring a friend to make it even more fun!

  • When: Mondays 11:30 am - 2 pm, March 4 - April 8
  • Cost: $99 (for a limited time). For a suggested supplies list, click here. A basic supply kit will be available for purchase at the first day of class for $35.
  • Senior Discount! Email me or call (916)749-6066 for details.

[button link="http://yevgeniawatts.com/intro-to-watercolor-helendale/" type="big" color="green"] Register Now[/button]